• Controlling Airborne Toxins and Allergens: Tips for Protecting Newborns and Mothers

    Controlling Airborne Toxins and Allergens: Tips for Protecting Newborns and Mothers

    Children require a clean, wholesome environment in which to grow. For mothers and newborns, whose bodies are in the early stages of development, poor indoor air quality can be especially dangerous. New moms are vulnerable to illness, which puts the babies they breastfeed at a considerable disadvantage. Asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems are dangerous enough; when babies have to cope with airborne pollutants in...
  • Milk Supply: The Ping Pong Effect

    Milk Supply: The Ping Pong Effect

    Most women I meet with are looking to yield enough milk for their baby’s needs as well as enough to pump a few ounces extra daily.  It can be comforting knowing you have some back up in the freezer if needed.  We want moms to chip away at building a freezer reserve slowly, so it doesn’t become time consuming.  Yet I find, the first...
  • Protecting Yourself and Your Family During Flu Season

    Protecting Yourself and Your Family During Flu Season

    As an ER doctor, I see the flu and flu-like illnesses almost on a daily basis this time of year. Influenza is a family of viruses that can cause mild to life threatening illness. As we all tend to spend more time indoors in closer proximity to others when it is cold outside, the chance of these illnesses spreading to others increases exponentially. Everyone...
  • Exclusive Pumping: What is it?

    Exclusive Pumping: What is it?

    Before having children of my own and entering a whole new world I had never heard of Exclusive Pumping – to be abbreviated as EP. As a mental health counselor with a specialty in pregnancy spectrum I have moms in my office each week brought to tears – some breastfeeding related. As soon as a mom mentions the thought of breastfeeding people jump on...
  • An Interview with a Mom of Newborns

    An Interview with a Mom of Newborns

    We caught up with Nicole, a Health and Wellness Specialist, whose journey we’ve been following since she became pregnant with twins after her IVF treatment. She shares how she’s keeping up with breastfeeding and staying motivated to keep fit and healthy. So, here you are now a mom of newborns! What do you love about it? I love that I have been blessed with...
  • Bringing Home Baby to Siblings

    Bringing Home Baby to Siblings

    Being a mom of 6 can really make life hectic most of the time, but having kids who, for the most part, get along with each other, and are actual friends with one another, makes a world of difference to maintain harmony in the home. I honestly believe that this has been cultivated since before I even brought home my 2nd child, by including my...
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